Join us in shaping the future of glass.

Make a gift to the 2023 Annual fund

As we move toward the Museum’s future together, we also reflect on where it has been. With your support to reach our fundraising goal of $30,000, we will be well-positioned to continue to build on the storytelling we do in our galleries and beyond.

We hope you will join us in illuminating all that glass can be as we strive to offer our visitors an active, comprehensive, and immersive experience with the medium.  

Donating today means: 

  • Increasing visitor accessibility to innovative Museum programs 

  • Broadening youth field trip and hands-on capabilities 

  • Expanding our Visiting Artist Program and uplifting new and emerging artists 

  • Maximizing imaginative exhibition experiences

On behalf of the Board of Trustees, staff, and volunteers at Museum of Glass, thank you for joining us in our journey to ignite creativity, fuel discovery, and enrich lives through glass and glassmaking. As we move into 2024, we remain dedicated to our mission and motivated to focus where it matters most.

Your support makes this possible.
We hope that you join us in shaping the future of glass by
making a tax-deductible contribution to Museum of Glass.